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Having  a  Baby in the Czech Republic?

Pregnancy and Maternity Coverage

Prenatal, Postnatal and New Born Care

I have public health insurance card, is my pregnancy covered?


If you are holder of a green public health insurance card your pregnancy and birth of your baby is covered, however the postnatal care of the newborn is not covered under your insurance. To have your baby covered for postnatal care, you have to purchase our Newborn plan/Maternity plan.

Your baby can’t be enrolled under your insurance after you leave the hospital. Make sure your baby is covered for necessary check ups and vaccination with our Comprehensive insurance plan.

Consider the following when planning to give birth:

Who will pay the doctor and hospital bills?

A routine pregnancy and delivery could cost over 80,000.CZK in the Czech Republic and Medical Costs for complications during pregnancy or after delivery are even more!

How will I afford the medical bills if there are any complications requiring surgery or a prolonged hospital stay?

Pregnancy and Maternity coverage is the Answer!

Most expectant mothers don't understand the hidden financial risks and costs that may result from a complicated pregnancy or delivery.


You can purchase our plan even if you are already pregnant!


Please follow these 4 simple steps:


1. Contact Us to notify that you are having a baby and when.

2. You are then required to schedule and get a medical exam by a locally licensed Doctor or Gynecologist of your choice or Contact Us for help, but you MUST complete and sign the VLP Medical Exam Report in Czech language. Be sure your doctor performs ALL required tests listed in this report.You may be required to revisit the doctor to take additional medical tests, if required by VZP for Foreigners' medical review.

3.  Kindly submit the VLP Medical Exam Report together with your completed on-line application at APPLY NOW!


4.  Please make complete payment upon approval of your application and exams.

You will receive all necessary insurance documents and ID card within 48 hours of approval.


VZP will cover most medical costs related to maternity and prenatal care, from the 3rd month of pregnancy through delivery and postnatal care until hospital discharge of Mother and New Born Child.

Pregnancy and Maternity coverage costs from 82,590.CZK for a maximum benefit of 1 000,000.CZK with up to 3 months of postnatal hospital care. This includes the Mother's full cost for 12 months' Comprehensive Plan Coverage for Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners in the Czech Republic.


Your New Born Child may join your the Silver Plan after baby is discharged from the hospital upon completing the standard application form at APPLY NOW!

Be sure to attach your child's hospital discharge medical report.

Full payment is required upon approval of your application.


If you are already a Silver Card holder of VZP for Foreigners,  No medical exam is required. Pregnancy coverage is already included in your plan, free of charge IF the pregnancy occurs at least 3 months after the start date of your current plan and the baby's delivery occurs at least 8 months after the start date of your current plan. However, In this case postnatal care of the newborn is not covered.


Whether or not you are already covered by us, you must still purchase this plan to cover all of the New Born's hospital expenses.

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