PVZP Endowment Fund - ESG
Foundation fund From the heart of PVZP as an umbrella for PVZP's CSR activities
As an institution, PVZP has been engaged in socially responsible activities for a long time. It promotes the idea that it is necessary to return to the company the trust that its clients place in the Insurance Company.
The responsible attitude of each individual to himself, to society, to the environment and to honest business is a stable pillar for the preservation and development of culture, sports, deepening of education, a healthy lifestyle and respect for one's own country, so that it remains a good home for future generations.
A responsible approach cannot be done without helping sick, disadvantaged, abandoned, unhappy or needy persons in any way. The Ze srdce PVZP Foundation Fund was established for this assistance. The Insurance Company's employees, fully on a voluntary basis, deepen the activities within the fund, which were started by the socially responsible initiative Oživíme Česko, created at the beginning of the covid pandemic to help the Czech economy through the support of Czech entrepreneurs, companies, culture and sport.
As the name itself says, Ze srdce PVZP actively runs exercises for seniors, preschool children, and adults directly in its headquarters. In the multifunctional Lazarská Hall, which was built by the Domácnost association, founded in honor of the centenary of the birth of Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová, cultural and educational programs for the elderly take place in the form of concerts, lectures, meetings with important personalities. All these activities aim to bring people joy, good mood, make them happier, and thereby contribute to their own responsibility.
We pay great attention to intergenerational dialogue in the form of creative projects aimed at seniors, children and youth, in mutual connection with each other, where children can express themselves in their own unique way about the life stories and attitudes of seniors. We see understanding, mutual respect and reverence as a necessary part of every human life.
In addition to culture and supporting education, Ze srdce is dedicated to sports. One of the most important projects in which the Ze srdce PVZP foundation fund participates are the PVZP FénixRun charity runs, which PVZP directly organizes. In 2022, the PVZP FénixRun running series merged with the Běhej lesy running series. Proceeds from the entry fee and voluntary contributions are fully redistributed among nine non-profit organizations that are dedicated to the disabled, socially disadvantaged people, people after serious injuries or premature babies. Originally, PVZP FénixRun runs were only virtual due to covid, but PVZP wanted to bring the idea of helping sports into a real environment, reach as many people as possible and help with the highest possible financial contribution. Through running, she created an ideal combination of sport and charity. In 2021, thanks to virtual charity runs, PVZP FénixRun managed to raise almost 800,000 crowns to help the needy.
PVZP fulfills its social responsibility in the area of honest business with a high quality standard of the products offered, with an emphasis on perfect service, personal approach and client care. The deepening of this social responsibility in the form of quality and honest work as part of the support of business and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic is ensured by other social events for the general public Days with Amos, where through sports and cultural activities with high erudition we communicate to all generations the need for quality Czech entrepreneurs and their support, without which cannot develop generally beneficial activities, increase the quality and level of culture, sports, education and thus take care of our country, where we come from, where we were born and where we have our roots.
The PVZP Endowment Fund is fully transparent and provides this link for the public to view all its bank transactions here: https://www.kb.cz/cs/transparentni-ucty/123-3590230247